Hey everybody!
I am so, so happy right now! I just found out that one of my favorite books is being made into a movie! If anyone has read Fallen then they will know what I'm talking about...
Also Rapture, the fourth and final Fallen book is set to be released in 12 DAYS!!! I am going to be extremely hyper for the rest of the week or so until I get my hands on a copy of this book.
(Don't worry this is a short one) It has been announced that there will be a fourth Hush, Hush book! I'm not sure when it's going to be released but I will post as soon a I find out.
So EVERYBODY read these amazing books...

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    Hey Everybody!
    I'm Amandie and I love to read. My favourite genres are Dystopian and Paranormal Romance. They sound pretty strange but both genres are AMAZING, I am also a HUGE fantasy fan, and as long as it's not to rainbow ponies and unicorns, I will eat it up.
    I am also a very, very proud member of N.E.R.D.S


    September 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012

